Fantasy Sports Participation, Per-Player Spending Continues to Rise

The FSTA-Ipsos study also showed a sharp rise in consumer spending on fantasy sports, as the average per-player spend on fantasy leagues and products was $465 a year, more than quadruple the $95 per player in ’12.

Fantasy Sports Participation Grows Dramatically; Hits New Milestone, Reaching Nearly 57 Million in U.S. and Canada

Fantasy Sports Participation Grows Dramatically; Hits New Milestone, Reaching Nearly 57 Million in U.S. and Canada – Fantasy sports participation in the United States and Canada has reached the 56.8-million mark according to new research conducted by Ipsos Public Affairs for the Fantasy Sports Trade Association (FSTA). This mark easily tops the highest number of players recorded in the six years the study has been conducted, decimating the participation numbers from last year.

70% of Louisiana Residents Support Legalizing Fantasy Sports

A large majority of Louisianians (70 percent) support the full legalization of fantasy sports in the state, according to a poll conducted by international research firm Ipsos for the Fantasy Sports Trade Association.

Editorial: Grant Fantasy Sports Legal Status

The Senate Federal and State Affairs Committee has under its consideration a bill that would define fantasy sports contests as activities based on skill rather than pure luck and make them legal in Kansas. The Kansas Racing and Gaming Commission now considers fantasy sports leagues illegal if they involve a buy-in fee and award cash […]

Fantasy Players Pump Up NFL Combine Appeal

As many as 12 million viewers will tune into the NFL combine at some point to watch draft prospects do nothing more exciting than run sprints and lift weights. Other than coaches, general managers and scouts, who makes time in the middle of the day to devote to projecting a kid’s future? The answer won’t surprise anybody with a fantasy football team. For them, the combine has become must-see TV.

Fantasy Sports Services One Of The Best Industries for Starting a Business in 2015

Fantasy sports, is growing rapidly thanks to skyrocketing interest in fantasy sports and the growing number of broadband and mobile connections. Estimated to be a $1.4 billion market, the sector also benefits from growing advertising spending and an overall increase in sports viewership.

A Welcome New Trend: Fantasy-Friendly Stadiums

Contrary to popular belief, fantasy sports players do have a life that extends beyond the confines of their basements. And, yes, it goes even further than the well-worn path to the kitchen. We do get out occasionally. Sometimes we go all the way across the country … and meet up with other fantasy sports fanatics. […]

Fantasy Sports Services Growth Projections are ?Explosive’

The dramatic growth of the fantasy sports industry in the last decade is no surprise, and industry researchers already have declared it among the fastest-growing industries in the U.S. Mobile devices will be among the reason why growth in fantasy sports will continue is strong growth through 2018.

Fantasy Sports: Not Just Play Money

Americans may be getting busier every year, but longer working hours and decreased leisure time are not expected to slow down the booming Fantasy Sports Services industry.

Living the Fantasy Football Life

Most fantasies are designed to be an escape from reality. But in professional football, there’s no escape from fantasy. Even if you’re not among the more than 25 million Americans who select players and compare statistics for love or money, fantasy football is affecting the way you watch the sport.