Say hello to Barry Gipson, our latest Member Spotlight volunteer! In addition to being a retired Navy vet, Barry also has an unbridled passion for fantasy sports. Learn more about him and his involvement in the industry:
Name:?Barry Gipson
Title:?Old Navy
Company:?The Department of Fantasy
Location:?Puyallup, WA
Tell?us about yourself and your organization!
I’m?a 23-year-retired Navy Veteran who has a passion for people and fantasy sports. I’m a?man on a mission to attract new fantasy footballers and military veterans to the fantasy sports industry. I?believe the glue that bonds people together is participation in fantasy sports leagues.
In 2009, I?was invited into a fantasy football league last minute due to a dropout. My?reluctant commitment to help another veteran by participating last minute began my?journey into a passionate hobby that would lead me?to inform others of my?experience and educate them on how to benefit from it. I?specialize in educating new players through my?online courses offered on Udemy, and my?personal blog, here.
How?did you get your start in the fantasy sports industry?
Initially, I desired to open the first ever fantasy sports bar in the state of WA by the fall of 2016 as a post-retirement project. I attended an event in Las Vegas centered around fantasy sports here.?It was then that I had the vision to pursue it further.
Upon researching market data for my business avatar, I discovered the FSTA and their demographic resources on players. I became a member to solely to get access to it and began producing my business plan. Upon discovery of WA state not being a player in the DFS industry, I became reluctant to pursue this avenue until the state legislation aligned with the industry. I blogged about it here,?and was featured in the Seattle Times here.
How?many years has your organization been in business?
1 year.
What?made you decide to join FSTA?
Initially, demographic data. After further research it was an opportunity to network and learn about our industry and the way ahead. Learning the vision and becoming more aware of obstacles, and challenges. I attended the 2016 Winter Conference in Dallas where I was overwhelmed by the “big business” players there, but soon learned that we are all in this together and the willingness of those players to help one another to elevate our business models.
What?are you looking to get out of your membership with FSTA?
Credibility, access to industry players, and staying in the know of what our industry faces in the coming years.
Where?do you see the greatest opportunity for growth in the industry?
Attracting new players to build our industry through educational exposure of the topic.
Finally, what’s your favorite fantasy sport?
Football! It’s the top ranked fantasy sport, and it’s talked about year-round.
Thanks for sharing, Barry! We’ll see you soon at the FSTA 2016 Summer Conference.
To learn even more about The Department of Fantasy, visit their listing in the FSTA Buyer’s Guide.
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